The weathered rock soils of Onetangi are home to Obsidian. Amphitheatre-like vineyards roll with the land from the heart of Waiheke Island towards the beach. Our methods are uncomplicated. We strive to grow consistently ripe, concentrated, flavourful grapes and to craft them into superb wines for drinking and cellaring. Like the prized smokey-black glass stone, Obsidian wines are timeless and full of intrigue.
At Obsidian our philosophy is simple. It's about producing the best wines by allowing the characteristics of each season's fruit to shine.The quest for exceptional quality and distinctive varietal expression is continual and uncompromising. Obsidian's soils are predominantly clay, rich in iron and manganese oxides, and overlat ancient weathered rock.
Wind and soil create a low vigour growing environment, where grape vines produce small but concentrated yields of ripe fruit with intense flavours.
The Island has a maritime climate and ideal conditions for winemaking, with its warm summers, lean soils, and
lengthy, mild autumns. Within the Onetangi Valley, the vineyards achieve protection from cold south-westerly
winds. Dryer and warmer than Auckland, Waiheke’s micro-climate offers high Growing Degree Days (GGD 1600+) and the ever-present ocean breeze moderates the temperature for optimal growth and less disease.
Michael Wood has been the winemaker at Obsidian for over 10 years. Michael's wine experience includes winemaking in Germany, Austria and Blenheim before his love for Waiheke and its unique grape growing environment brought him to Obsidian. In particular Michael found that working with Syrah was his passion and he is delighted with the potential demonstrated by the wines made from the four vineyard blocks grown at Obsidian.
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