We love our wine, beer and spirits here at Glengarry. It’s literally what we do, go figure. But drinking should always be done responsibly, which of course can at times mean not drinking alcohol at all.
That doesn’t have to mean plain old water, sugary fizz or feeling like you’re missing out though, as Napier based heroes Terps & Co are on a mission to prove.
They take their name from terpenes, which are naturally occurring flavour compounds. These compounds can be extracted from plants and fruits to give a huge range of tastes and smells, for example giving that piney, fruity, savoury hit of juniper that you might normally associate with your favourite gin.
Plant based and vegan friendly, the Terps & Co range is also very low in sugar - less than 1g of it per 100mLs of liquid in fact. Delicious, and safe to down at a mate’s mid-week barbeque without fear of a long, literal headache of a Thursday morning, that’s the terpene taste of ‘guilt-free’ you’re getting.

New Zealand
All prices are stated in New Zealand dollars inclusive of goods &
services tax (GST).
Alcohol is supplied under our licence which can be viewed
In order to purchase alcohol you must be over 18 years old and legally entitled to do so.
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