The land was arid and deserted. The brothers made wine.Wine is about place. Dicey is a placethat is a rocky pocket of Central Otago:Bannockburn. It’s not easy to make winehere. Hoar frosts. Wind. Bitter cold andcrackling heat. The land is unforgivingand the wines express that struggle.The fruit comes from three vineyardsstarted by three families transcendingtwo generations. James and Odelle haveThe Inlet. Matt and Ali belong to BlackRabbit. Their pioneering parents, Robinand Margie, own their Swansong.Dicey Bannockburn wines pay homage.They tell the annual story of the regionand share the colours of each season.The Single Vineyards wines have an evensharper focus.

Bannockburn, Central Otago

Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay, Gamay

by appointment
Matt and James Dicey
James is the grower, Matt, the caretaker.Two brothers. Two neighbours. Fierce aboutwine, family and Bannockburn — the landwhere they’ve put down roots. Wine runs deep for the Diceys. In the dirt and in theveins.James and Matt live and work side by side.The middle where they meet can be a placeof inspiration and friction. ‘Unpredictable and potentially dangerous,’ is the dictionary definition for the word dicey. Apt.
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