‘8 Wiring’ Kiwi slang: doing it yourself with whatever’s avail-able. In 2009, 8 Wired produced their first commercial batch in the Renaissance Brewery for whom Søren Eriksen had been brewing. But y’know, do it yourself. Only two years later they were crowned Champion Brewery by the Brewers Guild of New Zealand. What sets 8 Wired apart from the rest is their dedication to making the best of what they call ‘New World interpretations of old styles.’ Nowadays they have their own flash brewery up in Warkworth, where they put out more amazing beer than ever. Known for their stunning range of barrel aged beers, 8 Wired recently acquired 7 foedres or massive oak barrels, which allow them to take their barrel aged and sour beer production up a few notches. They reckon theirs is the biggest barrel aging program in the southern hemisphere. Don’t wait for someone else to get you some. Do it yourself.
Warkworth, New Zealand
Soren Eriksen
Our story began on Christmas Day, 2005. That was when my future wife, Monique, gave me the classic Coopers homebrew kit. Needless to say the beers were awful, but I was hooked none the less. A couple of years later we had moved to New Zealand and I started dabbling more into specialty grains and hops. We brewed our first beer in October 2009 and things went fast from there. In 2011 we received the highest brewing honour awarded in New Zealand as we were crowned Champion Brewery at the Brewers Guild Awards. The past 4 years we have also been featured on the prestigious Ratebeer.com list of “100 best brewers in the World”, as the only Southern Hemisphere brewery.
After 5 years of contract brewing, eventually at 4 different breweries across New Zealand we now finally have our very own brewery (In Warkworth, North of Auckland) where we brew and package everything.
Søren Eriksen and the rest of our awesome little team
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