In late 1990, a young couple left Auckland behind for a rural pocket of Nelson, encouragingly named ‘Hope. Swapping city for country life, Andrew and Jenny took on a four hectare property, determined to create something of their own. The vineyard had been roughly established in the 70s by a pioneer amateur winemaker. When we arrived the vineyard and simple winery were functional and for a year or two offered us the opportunity to cut our teeth as novice winemakers. These were exciting times, challenging, hard work and full of promise. Nelson’s small group of established winemakers welcomed us city rookies, but even with their guidance, we had to make our own mistakes. Immersed in our new way of life we were rapidly acquiring knowledge and experience. HopeVY marked outAfter a few seasons we cut our losses, culling the heavy-cropping Muller Thurgau and green-edged Cabernet Sauvignon. This was progress. We bought more land and re-committed to promising Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. By the end of our first decade we had begun to garner some recognition for or wines. It was a time when the industry was developing rapidly and interest in New Zealand wine offered new opportunities for growth into markets at home and off-shore. Until the late 90’s the two of us had nurtured the business alone but larger vineyards and production meant that it was time to build a small team around us. Extra hands to share the work-load along with new skills and experiences to broaden the vision._MG_7444 In 2008, we challenged ourselves again with the conversion to organics. Hope is now home, and we want to protect the land that has tested, inspired and rewarded us. When nature thrives, so do we. Today, Greenhough continues to look forward. The next vintage is always on the horizon, a new frontier. The nuances of the season are mirrored in the new wines. More than 25 years on, our craft remains as exciting and dynamic as ever.