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As we expand our groovily effervescent and sustainably sound Pet-Nat range of natural sparklers, we’ve come across this one: Nat’Cool from port gods, Niepoort.

Yes, we know! That’s a big leap to the left in wine styles for a venerable port house, but class is class, we say. And when it comes down to age, given that Pet-Nat, aka petillant-naturel, is actually the world’s most ancient method of making sparkling wine, it’s not such a big jump.

Grown in Vinho Verde country at the very north-west tip of Portugal, this is a blend of indigenous Azal, Arinto, Avesso, Trajadura and Loureiro grapes, so the provenance is spot on.

A crisp, stainless-steel fermented white Pet Nat, this is bottled with just a smidgen of sugar to allow for a slight effervescent fizz. It's a touch cloudy, as Pet Nats tend to be, and packed with crunchy apple and soft floral notes.

Light on its feet, fresh summer drinking, the lower alcohol content accentuating the attractive aromatic notes as the gently bouncing bubbles tickle your nose.

So, adding up. Natural, environment-friendly, softly aromatic, uses locally sourced varieties, great provenance. Perfect.


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