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On Giants’ Shoulders is a Martinborough vineyard with a long history. As part of the original 1880s subdivision of Martinborough, the Princess Street vineyard is formed by the early settler’s concept of a small farmlet. Originally divided into four 1-acre sections and two 4-acre lots, the property merged into one with the planting of the original vines a century later by Jack McCreanor, in 1986.

The vineyard initially supplied fruit for Martinborough Vineyards. This continued until Larry McKenna took the lease with him and dedicated it to his Escarpment single vineyard wine, Pahi. Gabrielle and Braden Crosby bought this property from the McCreanor family in 2016 and farmed it comprehensively and passionately: Biogro certified, no irrigation with a high level of attention to detail and personal involvement. They poured sweat, tears and occasionally blood into their project, and after seven years, decided to sell to take more time with their young family.

With vines established in 1988, the four hectare vineyard is densely planted in Pinot noir, Chardonnay and Pinot gris. The vineyard is situated on rich Martinborough soils with clay loam running over alluvial gravels set down by the Huangarua and Raumahanga rivers. A combination of these soils and sound cultural practices have rewarded us with floral, aromatic and elegant examples of each wine style.

The Pinot noir vineyard blocks reflect their era, with low density 1980s plantings of Clone AM10/5, and high-density plantings of clones Abel, UCD5 and 828 established in 2000 and 2011 respectively. Each clone is integral to our wine style, adding floral high notes, dense dark fruit, structure, acidity and plushness.

Chardonnay and Pinot gris make up just over half a hectare each, adding diversity to the vineyard, with vines planted in 1988 through to 1999. Each wine is defined by the depth of weight and flavour they achieve from their soils.
Martinborough, New Zealand


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