When Palliser Estate planted their first vines in 1984, they had little idea where the future would take them. Pencarrow is a second label by Palliser, designed to offer “a parallel range of good-value wines that help maintain a high level of quality in the mother label.”
Pencarrow believes that it is their environment which enables them to grow outstanding grapes to create top wines. They look after their vineyard by encouraging diversity of plant life. For the team at Palliser, they caring for the environment is part of their ethos.

Martinborough, New Zealand

Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris

Daily: 10:30 AM- 4:00 PM
Allan johnson
Allan joined Palliser in 1991. He was just the second winemaker to work for them.
Since 1991 Palliser has won over 80 Gold Medals for its wines. This may be a coincidence but we suspect not. Not that Allan will tell you about the medals.
This is what Allan will tell you if you talk to him. He’ll tell you that he’s stayed because it’s a good place that you can make good wine.
He may even tell you about his two children and going gliding (‘chess in the sky’) and the simple pleasures of heading out on a fishing kayak with the kids.
What Allan won’t tell you is about the big shiny trophy in the tasting room with his name on it for the Champion Chardonnay from 2008.
To say that Allan is quiet and understated is an understatement in itself.
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